My yoga mat is my sanctuary
I don’t know about you but when I step onto my yoga mat I feel like I’ve come home. I know it’s clean, I know its texture, I know its comfort and thickness and I know its smell… often infused with our signature blends of essential oils.
I feel connected to my yoga mat and it calms me instantly. I carry it around like a toddler carries their favourite teddy and I often feel like my practice has started even when I have it in hand!

Whether you’re new to yoga or have years of practice under your feet and hands, it’s always good to own your own yoga mat and here’s why:
1. Simple hygiene!
Most studios require you to bring your own mat these days as we adjust to Covid-19 restrictions so bringing your own mat ensures you control its cleanliness. It’s a good idea to bring a towel and yoga mat spray with you to wipe down before and after practice.
2. Your yoga is mobile!
With your own mat, you can practice where ever you wish.
3. Set's up your space and routine.
Having your own yoga mat sets you up for consistent practice. You can decide what time works best for your practice and try to stick to it so that you can develop a solid routine.
4. Builds connection.
With your own yoga mat, you start to associate the good feelings you receive from your yoga practice with your mat. You build a connection.. like a friend and it feels familiar and safe which will ready you for your practice.
5. Choose your material! And choose what you practice on! At ZONE our main priority is making sure our products use sustainable materials. Our mat combines cork with natural rubber with no toxic chemicals or glues. (Have you ever been on a stinky yoga mat? Or one that smells like chemicals? No thanks!)
There you have it, so many reasons for why you should invest in your own yoga mat! Shop our Sustainable Cork Yoga Mat today!